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Living with Baba
He Keeps His Word

Once, three friends from North Bengal came to Ranchi to have personal contact with Baba. They were high school teachers. One was married, while the others were unmarried Margiis. They all had the opportunity of personal contact with Baba.

The Margii who was married was not so happy in his personal life. His wife had some health problems. He tried to solve them but he could not. Baba requested him to return after exactly one year. He confided in his two friends what Baba had told him. After personal contact, they returned home.

The two unmarried Margiis are now respected senior dadas. One had decided to become a monk immediately after seeing Baba, while the other went for training as a monk after a few months.

A year had nearly passed. One day, Baba went to Coochbihar for Dharma Maha Cakra (DMC). During that occasion, some anti-social elements who wanted to cause trouble, forcibly entered the DMC premises and attacked the Margiis who had assembled there. One Margii, named Ravi Sarkar, was mercilessly murdered by them. The police were called but instead of arresting the culprits, arrested Baba. We later learnt that some local politicians, who were against Ananda Marga's ideology, influenced the police to arrest Baba. We immediately brought our legal counsel to appeal against Baba's arrest.

Meanwhile, the married Margii, whom Baba had requested to see again after one year, remembered the date of the appointment, but thought that since Baba was jailed, it would be impossible for Him to keep the appointment. His friend, who by then had became an acarya and was called Dada Nityasatyanandaji, remembered Baba's instruction to his friend, and also wondered how Baba could possibly meet his friend, as He was in prison. In fact, he secretly thought that if Baba could somehow keep this appointment, given the unfavourable circumstances, He surely must be Parama Purusa, the Controller of everything, the Supreme Consciousness.
It so happened that Baba was eventually released from prison, barely two days before the Margii was supposed to meet Him. Upon His release, Baba wanted to go to Ranchi immediately. The dada who was assigned to look after His needs, advised Him against traveling such a long distance by car. Ranchi was nearly 24 hours away and traveling that long distance would surely affect Baba's health.

Baba was, however, adamant that He should go to Ranchi without delay. The dada could not understand Baba's insistence on traveling so quickly to Ranchi. However, as instructed, dada made the necessary logistical arrangements for Baba to travel. Together with Baba, they set off for Ranchi.

After a long drive, they finally reached their destination. In those days, telephone communication was not easily available, so we could not inform our office in Ranchi regarding Baba's arrival. Baba had reached Ranchi exactly one night before the date He had requested the Margii to see Him.

On the appointed date, the Margii did not turn up for the appointment, which he had made with Baba exactly one year ago. The meeting did not materialize and he lost the opportunity of Baba's divine intervention in his wife's persistent health problems. On realizing his grievous mistake, and especially the fact that Baba kept His word despite the odds, he exclaimed, "Baba is Parama Purusa."

This incident is an important lesson for all sadhakas. One should realize that He takes care of everyone, big or small, important or unimportant. He does not discriminate against anybody, whatever their social or spiritual status. All are equal before Him. Every action of Parama Purusa is precise and meaningful. We may or may not realize its meaning immediately. However, if we are patient and surrender to Him, we will realize that every action has been planned very carefully in advance to assist us in our spiritual advancement.
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