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Living with Baba
Baba's Approval

To accelerate the speed of progress in spiritual practice, Baba had introduced a systematic approach to every facet of life - physical, mental, and spiritual. As an example to sadhakas, He Himself followed the system He had laid down. He expected every sadhaka to do likewise.

Once, I was in Ranchi with Baba. A new cassette containing Prabhat Samgiit was sent from the central office for Baba's approval. Two Margii sisters, Krsni Di and Rita Mandal, sang the songs.

Early the next morning, I put the newly-recorded cassette into the cassette player and played it just outside His room, so that He could also enjoy the music. The first to enter His room was the PA Dada. As he entered Baba asked him about the song that was playing at that moment. Dada informed Him that the newly- recorded Prabhat Samgiit cassette was received yesterday and that they wanted Him to listen to it. Baba replied that it was very nice. He then took His breakfast.

As usual, after breakfast, Baba would go for His field walk. After that He would walk for a few minutes in front of His residence. Thereafter, He would immerse Himself completely with organizational work. This was His daily routine. I used to accompany Him on His daily field walk and give Him the latest report regarding various projects. On that day too I followed Him for His field walk. I was about to report on the projects when He started to scold me. He complained that I did not maintain proper supervision of the organization's work. He charged, "Who authorized you to spoil My Prabhat Samgiit?" I was taken aback at this outburst but decided that it was better not to respond.

According to the system, Baba had to approve the names of the people who took dictation of the Prabhat Samgiit. Similarly, Baba's approval also had to be obtained for the singers of Prabhat Samgiit. I later learned that Baba's prior approval was not sought for the sisters to record the songs. It was really not my fault. The Central Office Secretary was responsible for recording Prabhat Samgiit. However, as the Acting General Secretary, it was my duty to supervise all the activities of the organization. As the Central Office Secretary was a senior dada, I assumed that he knew the procedures and had obtained the necessary approval from Baba. I did not realize that he had not obtained Baba's prior permission. Immediately after returning from the field walk, I informed the Office Secretary about the situation, and of Baba's displeasure.

The following day the Office Secretary arrived in Baba's residence together with the two sisters. Baba was then walking along a path in front of His residence, surrounded by Margiis on both sides of the path. The two sisters positioned themselves on each side of the path and sang songs from the Prabhat Samgiit. Other Margiis sang and danced to kiirtan. In the midst of this devotional sentiment, Baba heard the sweet, melodious voice of the sisters and inquired who was singing. Both the Office Secretary and I realized that the sisters, had come all the way from Calcutta just to sing for Him. Baba, of course, fully understood why they had come and why they were singing. Baba was walking to and fro along the path, between the two sisters, as they sang their melodious songs to Him. He was visibly enjoying the songs very much. Each sister sang four or five songs for Him. Finally, Baba said, "They are singing very nicely!" The Office Secretary understood that Baba had given His tacit approval for them to record Prabhat Samgiit on the cassettes.

Baba always demands a proper system and discipline to be followed. Without them, one cannot hope for any progress, either in individual or in collective life. Following our own ideas may or may not be good. Often, we are blind to the adverse impact of our thoughts and actions. This is precisely why devotees try their best to act according to His Cosmic will and not according to their own will or ideas. This is the hallmark of every genuine devotee, whether in the past or in the present.
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