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Living with Baba
Baba's Love in Bolivia

The Guru helps spiritual aspirants in mysterious ways. He pushes you to the edge of the cliff and then extends His loving hands to save you. His help mysteriously comes when you are totally helpless, when you have given up all hope, and when you have surrendered completely to Him. Baba, has demonstrated this reality countless times, both in ordinary and extraordinary situations.

There was a dada who worked with me in South America. One day he came into my room and asked me whether he could make a telephone call to Bolivia. I agreed to his request. Subsequently, he called Bolivia. I noticed that he talked very emotionally over the telephone. After finishing the call, he narrated the story of how Baba saved him in mysterious circumstances when he was in a desperate situation.

He explained that he had recently traveled by land route to Bolivia. He reached the town of Cochobamba very early in the morning. There, he realized that he had lost all his money and important documents during the journey. Not knowing what to do he walked to a nearby park and sat down on a bench. He thought to himself, "What does Baba want? What can I do now? I have no money, no address, not even my travel or any identification documents."

He was just mentally narrating to Baba his troubles when a lady walked into the park. She saw dada sitting there in his bright orange uniform. She spoke a little English. She asked dada why he was sitting there all alone. Dada explained to her his predicament. Upon hearing dada's problem, she offered to help him. She invited him to her house and said that she would help him in all possible ways.

They walked back to her house, and the lady introduced dada to her mother and other family members. She also managed to collect some money for him. She then took him to the police station and arranged for new travel documents, so that he could journey onwards.

The lady solved all his problems, which came as mysteriously as they vanished. Amazingly, he regained what he had lost - his money, travel documents, and his self-confidence. He also gained something new: the realization that Baba's divine love and infinite grace is ever-present. We only have to snatch it from Him. We are never helpless or alone. The force that guides the stars, guides us too.
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